Accessing the PG IDaaS Admin Panel


You need access to update, manage, and otherwise configure your PG IDaaS environment.


Register an account to access the PG IDaaS Admin Panel.


IMPORTANT NOTE: There are different Admin Panel URLs for each PG IDaaS environment.  Which URL you use as a starting point will depend on where you are in the implementation.

  • You may reach out to your Implementation Engineer or submit a Technical Support ticket if you are unsure of the proper URL or have any issues accessing the Admin Panel.

Creating Your Account

  1. Navigate to the PG IDaaS Admin Panel using the proper URL from the table above.

  2. This will redirect you to

  3. Click on the link labeled ‘Create New Account’.

  4. On the Registration page, complete the form with the following specifics in mind:

    1. This account creation is specifically for the website and has no direct connection to your local environment.

    2. ‘Username’: Must be unique in our system – you may attempt to use the same username that you typically utilize for your logins, as long as it is not likely to be duplicate.

    3. ‘Email Address’: must be your organizational email address, as this is utilized to whitelist you to the PG IDaaS Admin Panel.

    4. ‘New Password’: Must meet the following requirements:

      1. 15 Characters of Longer

      2. Include at least 1 Special Character

      3. Include at least 1 Number

      4. Include at least 1 Upper Case Character

      5. Include at least 1 Lower Case Character

  5. If the form validation succeeds, a confirmation link will be sent to the provided email address. Click on that link to finalize the registration and continue logging in.

  6. Complete the Account Setup for Multi-Factor authentication.

  7. If you are not redirected to the Admin Panel, please utilize the proper direct link from the table above to navigate there.

    1. If you have any issues related to permissions after completing Single Sign-On to the PG IDaaS Admin Panel please Submit a Technical Support Ticket to have the proper access granted.